Policies & Promotions
- Can I apply two or more Promo Codes to an order?
We allow only one promo code to be applied on an order. If you have more than one promo code or coupon please use it separate orders.
Promo codes may not be active during Flash Sales or Other Promotions
- Current Promotions?
10% sign up discount - For first time customers, we offer 10% off. This might not available during storewide flash sales or similar promotions. If you have issues or questions please email us at customerservice@nibbana.com.au
- How do I enter my promo code?
Promo codes can be entered via the cart page by selecting "Apply a promo code" and entering the code provided.
Please note that promo codes are case sensitive.
- Where can I find Privacy related information?
Please visit our Privacy Policy Page.
If you have any specific queries please email us at customerservice@nibbana.com.au
- Where can I find Terms & Conditions?
Please visit our Terms & Conditions Page.
If you have any specific queries please email us at customerservice@nibbana.com.au
- Why is my voucher isn't working online?
Sorry that you’re having trouble applying a voucher to your order.
The most common reason for a voucher not working is that it’s been entered in the wrong place.
Still not working?
Get in touch with us by emailing at customerservice@nibbana.com.au. Please include your voucher number and if possible a screenshot of your cart including any error messages and the products you are trying to purchase.