Yoga and Meditation for Beginners

After reading so many articles about the benefits of Yoga and Meditation, finally, you have decided to give it a go. Now what can go wrong, you have downloaded all information from the internet, watched couples of videos on YouTube and now you are ready.
But when you try to do all these, you will get confused. One article is saying you should start with this and the other one is saying start with that, some will show you an Instagram image with a pose so difficult even an expert will struggle. So after some struggle, you end up doing nothing and feel useless. A typical example of too many chefs ruined the dish.
This is not just with Yoga or Meditation; it is with every aspect of your life. People will give you advice based on their experiences or how they have solved their problems. But it's you, your life, your strength and your weakness. So what will work for you, and the answer is you need to find.
I have listened an Olympic swimmer talked about fitness, he was not forcing or suggesting anyone to take on swimming or running but he was asking us to find out what we love and do it so that we can enjoy it and get fit. So if you don’t like to run then pick up your bike and ride it, if you don’t have a bike then go for a swim. No swimming then go for a walk, don’t like walking pick up your yoga mat sit on it and just breathe.
Yes, that’s correct, pick up your yoga mat, choose a nice spot to sit. If you can find a view that will be great but even if you can’t then just sit on it and breath. Do nothing, do it for 15 mins, waste your time but keep sitting and breathing. Close your eyes and count your breaths and that is your first lesson.
Yoga or Meditation is not about complexity, it supposed to be the simplest thing in your life. This practice looks so simple but I can promise you that it will give you peace in the end, it will give your thoughts a break. This break from your thoughts is the meditation you have been reading about. Longer the break better it is. Try this today and see for yourself. Once you are comfortable with this, then you can move on to all the techniques you have learnt from the internet.
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